


Mosquito-borne diseases: an increasing risk in Spain

International health organisations are warning about the spread in Europe of mosquito species that transmit diseases such as dengue fever. In Spain, where they are already widespread across much of the country, the Centro de Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias (CCAES) warns of the risk of West Nile virus, and says that the summer is expected to be complicated. In this guide, we bring together information to understand this public health issue. 


Citizen science: a tool for the study and control of mosquitoes

Today it is difficult to see science policies that do not mention citizen science or citizen participation in science. On World Mosquito Day, which is celebrated on August 20, we analyze what has been achieved by the Mosquito Alert project, based on citizen science and which the Ministry of Health has supported this summer within the framework of the National Plan for Disease Prevention, Surveillance and Control Transmitted by Vectors.


How to distinguish dangerous species of mosquitoes and what to do if you get bitten by one

Summer conjures up images of swimming pools, beaches, holidays and also, buzzing and bites. Mosquitoes have been with us all our lives, but globalisation has led to the arrival in Spain of invasive species capable of causing diseases such as dengue and yellow fever. How can we distinguish dangerous species and avoid their bites?