Laura Alejandra Rico Uribe

Laura Alejandra Rico Uribe

Laura Alejandra Rico Uribe

Researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR)

Reactions to the evolution of suicide data in Spain between 2000 and 2021

The rate of death by suicide in Spain has increased between 2018 and 2021, according to a report presented today by the Complutense University of Madrid, the Centre for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) and the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, which points to the influence of the pandemic in this increase. In 2021, a total of 4,003 people died from this cause, 5.5% more than in 2018. During the pandemic, mortality by suicide was greater among people living in large cities and provincial capitals. The report, which includes data from 2000 to 2021, also shows the increase in deaths by suicide that occurred during the period of the economic crisis, from 2008 to 2014.