Malcolm Sperrin

Malcolm Sperrin

Malcolm Sperrin

Member of the Institute of Medical Physics and Engineering (IPEM).

Reactions: study shows association between undergoing CT scan as a young person and increased cancer risk

An international study involving ISGlobal in Barcelona has studied almost one million people and concludes that having a CT scan before the age of 22 increases the risk of developing blood tumours in later years by 16%. According to the authors, who publish the results in the journal Nature Medicine, "in terms of absolute risk this means that, for every 10,000 young people who undergo a CT scan, we can expect to see around 1-2 cases of cancer in the 2-12 years following the examination.


Reactions: France halts iPhone 12 sales after finding it exceeds European radiation limit

France has temporarily halted the sale of the iPhone 12 phone because it does not comply with European radiation regulations. In a press release, French regulator ANFR (the National Frequency Agency) has asked Apple to withdraw the iPhone 12 from the French market from 12 September 2023, after its tests showed that the device exceeded EU limits for a measure known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR measure looks at the levels of electromagnetic radiation that could be received by the body if the phone were held in the hand or trouser pocket, and should be below 4W/kg. The ANFR says the test measured the SAR at 5.74 W/kg.