Pablo de Olavide University

Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1 41013 Sevilla

addictions, Alzheimer's, bioethics, climate change, cancer, behavioural sciences, climate, pollution, covid-19, embryonic development, diabetes, gene editing, education, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, rare diseases, ageing, epidemiology, immunology, language, microbiology, neuroscience, new materials, chemistry, robotics, mental health, sociology
Alejandro Arriaga Maestre

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SMC participants

Physical Education and Sports teacher.

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology.

Professor at the Pablo de Olavide University and Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology (CABD).

Postdoctoral researcher in Conservation Biology.

Professor of Human Geography at the Pablo de Olavide University and head of the Citizen Drought Observatory

Contents related to this centre

The work of a global commission, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and endorsed by more than 75 medical organisations worldwide, presents a new approach to diagnosing obesity. This is based on other measures of excess body fat, in addition to body mass index (BMI), and on objective signs and symptoms of poor health at the individual level.


The impact of animal abandonment goes beyond the pets who suffer it, it is a public health, safety and funding issue as well. Although there have been some improvements in recent years, the experts consulted agree that the system continues to fail. In this guide, we analyze what has changed, who does this issue affect, and what must be improved.


A study published in the journal PLOS ONE, which includes data from over 3,000 Spanish adolescents and children, has shown that those living in more walkable areas report spending more minutes per day engaging in active transportation compared to those from less walkable neighborhoods. Along those lines, the lowest average minutes spent playing outdoors are observed among participants from neighborhoods with lower socioeconomic status and less walkability. The research is part of the PASOS study, coordinated by the Gasol Foundation.


The lack of rainfall and the decrease in available water resources have caused 47% of European territory to be on drought pre-alert and 17% to be on alert. The lesser experience of northern countries in managing this phenomenon and the high vulnerability of southern regions mean that this drought is having a major impact on various economic sectors, in addition to supply cuts.

gato callejero

The draft Animal Protection Bill has just been approved by the Council of Ministers, awaiting ratification in Congress. The authors consider that the text includes improvements compared to its first version, but consider that it still contains negative aspects.