Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We will get back to you. In fact, you don’t have to respond to every request we make. For each content we contact several sources, in parallel, understanding that not all of them will be able to respond. And if one of them can’t, we will try again another time, unless you tell us otherwise.

By collaborating with SMC Spain you are already part of the international network. All our contents have a Creative Commons licence, which means that they can be published by any means, citing SMC Spain. In the case of the network, all SMCs are aware of what each one publishes and if something is of interest to us, we translate it into our language, citing the authorship. In addition, international briefings are organised with the participation of experts who collaborate with the different SMCs.

Registered journalists are part of a database for internal use only. What we make available to the public is a space where we have brought together associations of science, environment and health journalists, both within and outside our borders, who can help you with whatever you need.

That is the job of the press offices of the research centres, not SMC Spain. However, if you are going to publish research that you think might generate controversy and would like to let us know, you can do so by emailing us.

Expert sources who collaborate with us will multiply their media impact, both inside and outside our borders. In addition, you will be part of a directory hosted on our website that journalists will be able to consult to contact your offices directly. We also offer you a library of resources on science communication and current science topics that can help you in your day-to-day work.

There is a specific area on the website to do so. All you have to do is fill in the details of the institution, the scientific areas in which it specialises and the contact details of the communication team. As soon as we validate the data, they will be published in the web directory and can be consulted by any user.

Write to us directly indicating which data you want to change. We will reply as soon as possible.   

When we contact research staff at your centre via email, we will also copy the centre’s communication team. If you would like us to do this in a different way, please write to us.

That is not the role of SMC Spain. However, if you have identified research or press releases published by your institution that are causing or could cause controversy, or if you have experts who can comment on current issues, please let us know so that we can assess and address them.

Yes, in fact, on the website we have created a space where we have put together different experts guides from universities and other research centres, both national and international. In this way, journalists who need a contact can easily find them. The only requirement for the guide is for it to have a URL. You can send it to us by email.