Alicia Valero Delgado

Alicia Valero Delgado

Alicia Valero Delgado

Professor of Machines and Heat Engines at the University of Zaragoza, and Head of the Industrial Ecology group at the Energaia Institute

Two low-pollution alternatives proposed to extract lithium from diluted brines like seawater

Lithium, a material widely used for battery production, is typically extracted from rocks and concentrated brines, but these reserves are expected to run out by 2080. The alternative is to evaporate more diluted brines (such as seawater), but the traditional process is inefficient, polluting, and consumes large amounts of water. Two new studies published in Science propose two more viable and environmentally friendly alternative methods: the first uses a membrane that filters lithium through a transpiration system similar to that of plants, requiring only solar energy. The second combines electrodes to mimic a battery and move lithium from the brine (cathode) to fresh water (anode).