Carlos Astrain Massa

Carlos Astrain Massa

Carlos Astrain Massa

Area Manager at GAN-NIK, Gestión Ambiental de Navarra, a public company attached to the Government of Navarra

Reactions: Analysis of 2013 data estimates that most CAP funds go to emissions-intensive animal production

Eighty-two percent of EU farm subsidies articulated through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) financed high-emission livestock production in 2013, according to a study published in Nature Food. The analysis, which is based on data from 1986 to 2013 - the latest year for which records are available - highlights that 82% went to animal products in the following proportions: 38% directly and 44% for feed production. The authors note that food of animal origin is associated with 84 % of the greenhouse gases emitted by EU food production.