Iñaki Galán Labaca

Iñaki Galán Labaca

Iñaki Galán Labaca

Scientific researcher at the National Epidemiology Centre - Carlos III Institute of Health


Review concludes that studies on the benefits of moderate drinking use biased methods

Studies associating the consumption of low amounts of alcohol with health benefits are not of good scientific quality, says a meta-analysis pooling the findings of 107 previous papers. For example, studies may use a reference group of older adults who have given up or limited alcohol for health reasons. Compared to those who continue to drink, the latter appear to be in better health, notes the article, published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.


What we know about the health impact of drinking a glass of wine a day

"The level of alcohol consumption that does not harm health is zero," says a review of dozens of studies conducted in recent years on the effect of light drinking. The 20 or so authors of the paper, and other experts, insist that "alcohol is carcinogenic from the first drink". In their view, this message should be conveyed more clearly to the public.