


Spanish study claims that drinking up to 35 glasses of wine a month is associated with lower cardiovascular risk in some people

In a group of people at high cardiovascular risk, low to moderate wine consumption was associated with fewer cardiovascular events (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke or heart failure), according to a study. The analysis uses urinary concentrations of tartaric acid, a substance found in grapes and grape derivatives, as a biomarker of wine consumption. It finds that consuming between three and 35 glasses per month was associated with fewer cardiovascular events than in people who consumed fewer than three or more than 35 glasses. The study, published in the European Heart Journal, included more than 1,200 participants from Spain's PREDIMED study with an average age of 68 years.


Review concludes that studies on the benefits of moderate drinking use biased methods

Studies associating the consumption of low amounts of alcohol with health benefits are not of good scientific quality, says a meta-analysis pooling the findings of 107 previous papers. For example, studies may use a reference group of older adults who have given up or limited alcohol for health reasons. Compared to those who continue to drink, the latter appear to be in better health, notes the article, published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.


Study warns of cardiovascular risks of drinking alcohol and sleeping in conditions comparable to airplane flight

Drinking alcohol and sleeping in hypobaric conditions - such as those of an aircraft cabin - could be a risk to cardiovascular health, a study warns. Researchers compared a group of 23 people sleeping in a laboratory with another group of 17 people sleeping in a high-altitude chamber, replicating conditions at about 2,400 metres above sea level. The combination of alcohol consumption and hypobaric hypoxia during the simulation "reduced sleep quality, challenged the cardiovascular system and led to extended duration of hypoxaemia," the authors state in the journal Thorax.


Reaction: Colorectal cancer death rates among 25-49 year olds in the EU to rise by 2024

International research estimates that by 2024 there will be approximately 1,270,800 deaths from different types of cancer in the European Union (EU) as a whole. In the specific case of colorectal cancer, the researchers estimate that mortality rates will increase among people aged between 25 and 49 in the EU. In Spain, the increase will be 5.5 % in men. The authors of the research, published in the Annals of Oncology, attribute this increased mortality to overweight, obesity and alcohol consumption in this age group.


Reactions: meta-analysis shows that drinking low doses of alcohol, up to 25 grams a day, is not associated with changes in mortality

Drinking less than 25 grams of alcohol a day (2.5 standard drinking units, the equivalent of two and a half pints) does not reduce mortality, according to an analysis that aggregates data from 107 previous studies and 4.8 million people. Some studies claim that people who drink alcohol in low doses live longer and are less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than those who abstain completely. This meta-analysis published in JAMA Network Open, which brings together studies published between 1980 and 2022 in several countries, found no such protective effect. It did find a significant increase in the risk of mortality at 25 g per day for women and 45 g per day for men. In Spain, the Ministry of Health sets the limits for low-risk consumption at 10 g of alcohol per day for women and 20 g for men.


Reaction: minimum alcohol pricing reduces alcohol-related deaths

In 2018, a regulation was introduced in Scotland that establishes a minimum sale price for alcoholic beverages, proportional to the amount of alcohol they contain. A study has analysed the health impact of this measure. According to the authors, alcohol-related mortality has decreased by 13% since then, especially among the most disadvantaged socio-economic classes. The results are published in the journal The Lancet.


What we know about the health impact of drinking a glass of wine a day

"The level of alcohol consumption that does not harm health is zero," says a review of dozens of studies conducted in recent years on the effect of light drinking. The 20 or so authors of the paper, and other experts, insist that "alcohol is carcinogenic from the first drink". In their view, this message should be conveyed more clearly to the public.