Josep Mallolas

Josep Mallolas

Josep Mallolas

Head of the HIV-AIDS unit, Hospital Clínic-Barcelona

Reaction: Under-the-skin implant tested to prevent HIV infection in non-human primates

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), which usually consists of taking a daily oral anti-HIV drug, is a highly effective measure to prevent HIV infection. However, it only works well if people strictly follow the protocol, and some people end up not adhering to it. To improve this situation, researchers have tested an implant under the skin of non-human primates that releases the antiretroviral drug islatravir and maintains adequate concentrations for at least 20 months. The results, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, show complete protection against infection with repeated exposure.


Reactions to the follow-up of a third patient cured of HIV after stem cell transplantation to treat leukaemia

A virological and immunological follow-up confirms that a third patient has been cured of HIV nine years after receiving a bone marrow transplant for myeloid leukaemia, and four years after stopping his antiretroviral treatment. This case of the Düsseldorf patient, similar to two previously documented in Berlin and London, is detailed in a Nature Medicine publication by an international consortium coordinated by the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute and the University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The patient was diagnosed with HIV in 2008 and in 2011 with leukaemia, for which he received the transplant in 2013.