Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

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SMC participants

Predoctoral researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) whose thesis deals with circadian disruption in part as a result of exposure to artificial light at night and its effects on human health

Head of the Malaria Immunology Group at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

Research assistant professor of the Climate and Health programme at ISGlobal

Group Leader at the Institute of Health Research Pere Virgili (IISPV) and Associated Researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL)

Director of the Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative, and head of ISGlobal's Air Pollution and Urban Environment programme

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

Paediatrician, epidemiologist and managing director at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

Postdoctoral researcher at ISGlobal specialising in climate and health

Head of the political advocacy project of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

ICREA research professor and head of ISGlobal's Climate and Health programme

Contents related to this centre

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, today announced that face masks will no longer be compulsory indoors after Easter. The measure will come into force on 20 April. It will continue to be compulsory in public transport, health centres and residences, but the final details of the new scenario are not yet known.


"Equity in the distribution of vaccines is not a matter of charity; it benefits all countries," said Tedros Adhanom, director of the WHO. However, his data speak of a very unequal distribution: more than 80 % of the vaccines have gone to G20 countries, while poor countries, mostly African, have received only 0.6 %. Three Spanish experts analyze what went wrong.