Simon Lloyd

Simon Lloyd

Simon Lloyd

Postdoctoral researcher at ISGlobal specialising in climate and health


Increasing proportion of older people exposed to heat that is hazardous to their health

Twenty-three per cent of the world's population over the age of 69 will be living with acute heat exposure by 2050, compared to 14 per cent in 2020, according to a study published in Nature Communications. The research highlights southern Europe, parts of North and South America, Southeast Asia and all of Australia as areas of ‘increasing stress’, where higher heat exposure overlaps with an increasingly ageing population. The effects will be most severe in Asia and Africa, according to the study. 


What is Prospective Age and Why Does it Give us a Different View on Heat-Related Mortality?

Until now, it was thought that the risk of heat-related death in Spain had decreased among older people. But what if we take into account the increase in longevity? Has it decreased as much as the studies suggested? In this case it is useful to use the concept of prospective age, i.e. the years we hypothetically have left to live, rather than the years we have lived.