


Myths and doubts on sunscreens

The risks of ultraviolet radiation are well-known: it can cause everything from burns and spots to immune system alterations, cataracts, infections, and skin cancer. We need to protect ourselves from the sun, but do we really know how to do it? What is myth and what is reality? We answer the main questions when it comes to using sunscreens. 


Study finds correlation between high salt intake and atopic dermatitis

A higher intake of salt - as measured by the concentration of sodium in urine - is associated with an increased likelihood of atopic dermatitis, says a study published in JAMA Dermatology. The researchers used data on the amount of sodium in urine samples from more than 215,000 people in the UK, collected in a previous study. The authors suggest that restricting salt intake "may be a cost-effective and low-risk intervention" for this skin disease.