


Reaction: In 2023 Europe suffered severe heatwaves and floods, a report on the impacts of climate change says

The Copernicus Climate Change Service, together with the World Meteorological Organisation, publishes the report on the state of Europe's climate in 2023. According to their findings, last year was one of the hottest on record, with a record number of extreme heat stress days and widespread flooding. According to their calculations, heat-related mortality has increased by 30 % over the last 20 years.


Reaction: Human settlements in flood-prone areas are increasing

A study published in Nature has analyzed the presence of human settlements in flood-prone areas and their evolution worldwide since 1985. Until 2015, there was an increase of up to 122% in these settlements in flood-prone areas. According to their data, in many regions, the growth in the most hazardous areas is far outpacing development in non-exposed areas, especially in East Asia.


Reactions: Study blames climate change and other human factors for severe flooding in Libya and Greece

Las lluvias torrenciales caídas en Libia hace dos semanas fueron 50 veces más probables por el calentamiento global provocado por la acción humana. Algo similar ocurría con las lluvias caídas en Grecia, Bulgaria y Turquía, que fueron 10 veces más probables por el cambio climático, según concluye un estudio de atribución rápido de la Word Weather Attribution (WWA). La investigación apunta a que la tragedia en Libia se agravó por otros factores humanos, como construcciones en llanuras inundables y presas en mal estado. Los autores también analizaron las inundaciones registradas en España a principios de septiembre y concluyeron que precipitaciones tan intensas se esperan una vez cada 40 años. 


Reaction: unprecedented floods and droughts make risk management more difficult

A study published in Nature shows that, in the face of climate events such as extreme droughts and floods, which are likely to increase as a result of climate change, risk management strategies may not be sufficient. The study analyses 45 pairs of data on such events with an average of 16 years between them, including the Barcelona floods of 1995 and 2018.