Dolores Corella

Dolores Corella

Dolores Corella

Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia and researcher at the CIBER Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN)

New genetic predisposition to obesity linked to a blood group described

About one in 5,000 people have a genetic variant in the SMIM1 gene that results in a particular type of blood type called Vel negative. An international team of researchers now describes the same variant as being associated with a predisposition to obesity, metabolic disturbances and lower resting energy expenditure. Women studied with the variant weigh, on average, 4.6 kg more, while in men the difference is about 2.4 kg. The results are published in the journal Med, published by the Cell group. 

Reaction to the first meta-analysis studying the effect of a Mediterranean diet on women's cardiovascular health and mortality

A review of studies of more than 700,000 women has estimated that those who follow a Mediterranean diet faithfully have about a 25% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death. This effect is greater than had been found in other studies, many of which included a majority of men and did not differentiate results by sex. According to the authors, the study underscores the need for this type of targeted analysis. The results are published in the journal Heart.