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SMC participants

PhD in Pharmacy, Professor of Human Physiology at the University of Navarra, member of the CIBER Physiopathology of Obesity, Carlos III Health Institute and IDISNA (Navarra)

Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia and researcher at the CIBER Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN)

Researcher at CIBERobn and associate professor at Rovira i Virgili University, Pere Virgili Health Research Institute

Director of Nutrition and Genomics at Tufts University in Boston (USA), member of IMDEA-Alimentación (Madrid) and CIBEROBN (Carlos III Health Institute)

Co-coordinator of the working group on Nutrition of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE), Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Navarra, and member of CIBERobn

Contents related to this centre

The use of the antidepressants escitalopram, paroxetine, and duloxetine is associated with greater weight gain than the use of sertraline, according to the results of an analysis comparing data from more than 183,000 adults treated with one of eight types of antidepressants. Among these, bupropion is associated with the least weight gain, concludes the study, which is published in Annals of Internal Medicine.


People who take multivitamins daily do not have a lower risk of mortality than people who do not use these products, according to a meta-analysis published in JAMA Network Open. The study pooled data from more than 390,000 people, followed for about 20 years in three different cohorts in the United States.  


About one in 5,000 people have a genetic variant in the SMIM1 gene that results in a particular type of blood type called Vel negative. An international team of researchers now describes the same variant as being associated with a predisposition to obesity, metabolic disturbances and lower resting energy expenditure. Women studied with the variant weigh, on average, 4.6 kg more, while in men the difference is about 2.4 kg. The results are published in the journal Med, published by the Cell group. 

ultraprocessed foods

People who eat more ultra-processed foods have a "slightly higher" mortality rate, according to an analysis published in The BMJ. The study analysed data from more than 110,000 people followed up for over 30 years in the United States. The correlation between ultra-processed food intake and all-cause mortality was strongest for the meat, poultry and seafood group. 


Switching some of the world's red meat consumption to forage fish - such as sardines, herring or anchovies - would reduce the number of deaths by between 500,000 and 750,000 by 2050, according to a study published in BMJ Global Health. The authors used data projections for that year for both red meat consumption and forage fish catches in 137 countries, substituting one for the other without exceeding the supply limit for the latter. The research estimates that sardines, herring and anchovies could replace 8% of the world's red meat, which would also serve to reduce the prevalence of diet-related diseases.


Eating more ultra-processed foods is linked to a higher risk of health problems, according to an umbrella review of 45 previous meta-analyses, involving almost 10 million people in total. The research, published in The BMJ, finds direct associations between exposure to ultra-processed foods and 32 health parameters. The strongest evidence links this exposure to cardiometabolic health problems, mental disorders and overall mortality.


A US research team has identified several genes that may be associated with a strict vegetarian diet. Some of these genes have "important roles in lipid metabolism and brain function", according to the paper, which suggests that these differences could explain the ability to subsist on a vegetarian diet in those who carry these genes. The study, published in the journal PLoS ONE, used data from the UK Biobank to compare a group of more than 5,000 vegetarians with a group of more than 320,000 non-vegetarians.

Mediterranean diet in women

A review of studies of more than 700,000 women has estimated that those who follow a Mediterranean diet faithfully have about a 25% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death. This effect is greater than had been found in other studies, many of which included a majority of men and did not differentiate results by sex. According to the authors, the study underscores the need for this type of targeted analysis. The results are published in the journal Heart.