Víctor Briz

Víctor Briz

Víctor Briz

Ramón y Cajal researcher
National Health Institute Carlos III
National Centre for Environmental Health
Environmental Toxicolgy Unit


A global consortium analyzes neuropsychiatric diseases cell by cell

The PsychENCODE consortium, established in 2015 and dedicated to illuminating the molecular mechanisms underlying schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder, presents findings based on the examination of human brains at the cellular level. The studies are published today in the journals Science, Science Translational Medicine and Science Advances.

Reactions: exposure to pollution may increase stroke risk also in the short term

Chronic exposure to various air pollutants has been linked to an increased risk of stroke, but the short-term effects have been less well studied. A review of 110 papers and more than 18 million stroke cases shows that recent exposure - in the five days prior to stroke - also increases the likelihood of stroke. The results are published in the journal Neurology.

Reaction to the study analysing the relationship between different components of air pollution and the risk of dementia

Air pollution has been repeatedly linked to the risk of developing dementia. In addition to confirming this association, a study published in the journal PNAS has analysed the individual risk posed by the components present in PM2.5 fine particulate matter.

Reaction to study claiming anti-diarrhoeal drug could help treat symptoms of autism spectrum disorder

Two researchers propose that the anti-diarrhoeal drug Loperamide could be a candidate for treating the main symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), such as difficulties in social interaction and communication. The research, published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, has used a computer model that includes the proteins involved in ASD and has analysed how different drugs affect them.