San Pedro University Hospital - CIBIR (La Rioja)

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SMC participants

Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases. Director of the Laboratory of Special Pathogens. Center for Rickettiosis and Diseases Transmitted by Arthropod Vectors. San Pedro University Hospital - CIBIR (La Rioja)

Scientific Director of the Biomedical Research Centre of La Rioja.

Head Researcher of the Infectious Diseases, Microbiota and Metabolism Unit of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the CIBIR-Hospital Universitario San Pedro.

Contents related to this centre

A study has found a link between caesarean delivery and changes in the microbiome, as well as a reduced response to pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines in children. The results are published in the journal Nature Communications.


Research published in the journal PLOS Medicine has studied the occurrence of sequelae following covid-19 in 46% of the German population. It concludes that they affect all ages, including children and adolescents.

Infografía One-health

Climate change will lead to at least 15,000 new cross-species virus transmissions by 2070, as habitat shifts on a 2°C warmer planet will bring previously distant animals closer together. This result, published in Nature, points to increased exposure of humans to pathogens from wild animals.