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We are not on track to limit the planet warming to 1.5ºC, but there is still hope

The latest IPCC report shows that we are not close to limiting the rise in temperatures to 1.5ºC. Fortunately, he points out that climate action in the form of policy and law has increased, and that there is hope to cut emissions by at least half by 2030. In this sense, the retrofitting of existing buildings and the adequate design of new ones will play a fundamental role.



Reaction: Europe's dangerous sea level rise is becoming more frequent and attributable to climate change

Storm surges, one-off events associated with storms that can cause flooding, are rare and highly destructive phenomena. A paper published this week in Nature finds that they have increased since 1960, comparable to the increase in average sea level rise over the same period.

The authors, led by Spaniard Francisco Calafat of the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool, UK, statistically analyse observations of extreme tides from 79 tide gauges on European coasts over the period 1960-2018, and compare them with climate models.

Their results point to an increase in extreme sea levels in the future, something the authors say has implications for coastal planning. So far, the most widely accepted hypothesis is that the frequency of such extreme storm surges would not increase.


Reaction to the study that assesses the health impacts of the 2020 lockdowns in three European cities

A study assesses the health impacts of the 2020 closures in three European cities that implemented different measures: Barcelona, Stockholm and Vienna. The researchers took data on changes in pollution, noise and physical activity at three different points in time. Their findings suggest that, while the reduction in noise and pollution may have been positive for health, the negative consequences of the lack of physical activity were generally greater.

Reaction to the new Spanish covid-19 prevention and control strategy

The Public Health Commission has updated the Covid-19 Surveillance and Control Strategy, which will come into force on Monday 28 March. From then on, as long as indicators of healthcare utilisation are at low risk, diagnostic testing will focus on vulnerable individuals and settings and severe cases. Surveillance will focus on these groups.

The key points to the forthcoming IPCC report on climate change mitigation, which will tell whether the Paris Agreement is working

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is meeting between 21 March and 1 April to approve the study on measures to curb the climate crisis, on which more than 200 authors from all over the world have been working for three years. The text will be published on 4 April.