


The EU considers the risk of mpox spreading to the general population ‘low’ and does not rule out more imported cases

With the increase in cases of mpox, the European Union's Health Security Committee met on Monday. According to the Ministry of Health, the meeting concluded ‘with recommendations very similar to those previously issued by the WHO and the ECDC’. The risk of the likelihood of mpox spreading to the general EU population is currently considered to be ‘low’, although it increases in populations with close contact with diagnosed cases and in particularly vulnerable people. Further imported cases in the EU are not excluded and vaccination of the general population is not recommended. In addition, the HSC does not recommend border control.  


New variant of mpox confirmed in Sweden

Sweden's public health agency issued a statement on Thursday indicating that a person has been diagnosed with mpox - formerly called monkeypox - caused by variant clade I. According to the Swedish agency, this is the first case of this variant to be diagnosed outside the African continent. The person would have been infected during a stay in a part of Africa where there is an outbreak of this variant of mpox, according to the statement. The announcement comes a day after the World Health Organisation declared the mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.


What we know about the decision to change the mode of administration of the smallpox vaccine to allow more people to be vaccinated

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has authorised the administration of monkeypox vaccine intradermally rather than subcutaneously. This will allow more people to be vaccinated in the absence of doses, but effectiveness and safety data are limited. The Public Health Commission has decided to follow this strategy except for pregnant women and immunocompromised persons.