public health

public health

public health

How Wildfires and Saharan Dust Affect Hospitalizations for Psychological Disorders

A team led by the Carlos III Health Institute has analyzed how short-term concentrations of particles associated with wildfires and Saharan dust incursions influence hospital admissions in Spain due to mental and behavioral disorders. The results were explained in a briefing organized by the Science Media Centre Spain. 



Cycling to work is associated with a 47% reduction in risk of death

According to a large long-term study published in BMJ Public Health, people who cycle or walk to work or school have a lower risk of mental and physical illness. Cyclists benefit the most, with a 47% lower risk of death from any cause, a 24% lower risk of hospital admission for cardiovascular disease, a 51% lower risk of dying from cancer and a 20% lower risk of being prescribed drugs for mental health problems.


Six pathogens in wastewater selected for monitoring at Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games

Researchers at France's National Institute of Public Health have identified priority pathogens for wastewater surveillance during the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games - to be held from 26 July to 11 August and 28 August to 8 September, respectively. The six pathogens selected, as reported in Eurosurveillance magazine, were poliovirus, influenza A virus, influenza B virus, mpox virus, SARS-CoV-2 and measles virus. Their choice was based on three criteria: analytical feasibility, relevance to the Olympic Games and characteristics of the pathogens, and their value in informing public health policy. In recent weeks, higher than recommended levels of E. coli bacteria have been found in the Seine River, according to the Associated Press.


Mosquito-borne diseases: an increasing risk in Spain

International health organisations are warning about the spread in Europe of mosquito species that transmit diseases such as dengue fever. In Spain, where they are already widespread across much of the country, the Centro de Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias (CCAES) warns of the risk of West Nile virus, and says that the summer is expected to be complicated. In this guide, we bring together information to understand this public health issue. 


Noise and air pollution associated with poorer mental health in young people and adolescents

A study in England has found a link between increased exposure to air pollution during early life and the risk of developing psychotic disorders and depression during youth. In addition, greater exposure to noise during childhood and adolescence was associated with an increased risk of anxiety. The results of the study, which collected data from more than 9,000 people, are published in the journal JAMA Network Open. 


Study shows correlations between consumption of different types of ultra-processed foods and mortality

People who eat more ultra-processed foods have a "slightly higher" mortality rate, according to an analysis published in The BMJ. The study analysed data from more than 110,000 people followed up for over 30 years in the United States. The correlation between ultra-processed food intake and all-cause mortality was strongest for the meat, poultry and seafood group. 


Reactions: Study estimates that replacing red meat consumption with sardines or anchovies could prevent up to 750,000 deaths by 2050

Switching some of the world's red meat consumption to forage fish - such as sardines, herring or anchovies - would reduce the number of deaths by between 500,000 and 750,000 by 2050, according to a study published in BMJ Global Health. The authors used data projections for that year for both red meat consumption and forage fish catches in 137 countries, substituting one for the other without exceeding the supply limit for the latter. The research estimates that sardines, herring and anchovies could replace 8% of the world's red meat, which would also serve to reduce the prevalence of diet-related diseases.


Reaction: Experts call in 'Science' for mandatory standards to ensure ventilation in public buildings

The journal Science publishes an article in which international experts demand mandatory standards to monitor three parameters within public buildings: carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and PM2.5 (fine particles that can enter the lungs and bloodstream), as well as to ensure proper ventilation.






Reactions: air pollution decreased in Europe in the last two decades, but increased by ozone in southern regions

Research led by ISGlobal and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) shows that air pollution in 35 European countries - including Spain - has decreased in terms of levels of suspended particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). However, ozone (O3) pollution increased in southern Europe, as shown by daily data collected between 2003 and 2019 and published in the journal Nature Communications. The study also looked at the number of days on which limits for two or more pollutants were exceeded simultaneously: despite improvements, 86.3% of the European population experienced at least one day with compound pollution per year.