science communication

science communication

science communication

Twelve keys to communicating climate change

Based on the Decalogue of recommendations for climate change communication signed in 2018 by more than 80 media outlets, environmental communication professionals from all over Spain, together with the scientific team of the Climate Change Communication Observatory, have drawn up the new Decalogue 2022, a guide for the social communication of the climate crisis. A summarised version is reproduced below.


From pandemics to volcanoes or when good crisis communication saves lives

Journalists are not the only generators of information content, but they certainly are the ones who are trained to select, channel, and amplify truthful information and combat misinformation. In crisis situations, where scientific evidence guides decision-making, science communication to society takes on an almost strategic role. Here are some key points for scientists talking to journalists at such times.


Is my research result newsworthy and can it be the subject of a press release?

Every day, all over the world, hundreds of press releases about scientific studies travel from the communication offices of research centres to the computers of journalists. Their mission is to attract the attention of their recipients and eventually get their stories published by the media. Here are some tips on this process.