SMC Spain

SMC Spain

SMC Spain

Reaction: Research finds PFAS in toilet paper discharged into US wastewater

US scientists have found perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs) in sewage sludge from toilet paper waste. The research, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters, analysed the presence of these persistent and potentially harmful compounds in toilet paper rolls sold in North, South and Central America, Africa and Western Europe. These substances were compared with those detected in samples of sewage sludge from sewage treatment plants in the United States.


A brief guide to inform and educate about rare diseases

Every February 28 or 29, World Rare Disease Day is celebrated, an initiative that aims to raise awareness about rare diseases in order to improve access to diagnosis and treatment and achieve a better quality of life among those who suffer from them. Here are some frequently asked questions about the most important concepts, their current situation and the main complaints that affected individuals and families continue to have.   


Reaction: Journalistic investigation finds more children identify as transgender, shows lack of consensus among professionals on whether to start medical treatment

A journalistic investigation by BMJ reporter Jennifer Block finds that more and more children and adolescents identify as transgender and are offered medical treatment, in particular in the United States. The reporter analyses scientific evidence showing this increase in the number of treatments, as well as the guidelines of US medical bodies. She also interviews experts from different countries, laying out the controversy among professionals about the scientific evidence used to make decisions about the initiation of treatment.   


Reactions: bird flu cases detected in Spain in 2022 were not real infections

Analysis of the two asymptomatic cases of H5N1 avian influenza detected in Spain in autumn 2022 in workers at a poultry farm in Guadalajara has confirmed the theory that no actual infections occurred, but that both were in contact with genetic material of the virus found in the environment. Spain has recently modified its protocols, according to the analysis published in Eurosurveillance.


Reaction: carbon sequestration is at risk of destabilisation in large regions of the planet

A study published in Nature suggests that carbon sequestration is at risk of destabilising in large regions of the planet. In some areas, this sequestration - the difference between the CO2 captured and released by ecosystems into the atmosphere - has varied greatly in recent years. The research is led by CREAF and the University of Antwerp (Belgium).


Reactions to study associating induced childbirth with poorer academic performance at age 12

A study carried out by researchers at the University of Amsterdam Medical Centres on more than 220,000 children examines the academic performance at age 12 of children born by induced labour. According to the authors, a reduction in scores was observed in infants born after induced labour between 37 and 41 weeks. The research is published in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.


Reaction: Putin announces that he is suspending Russia's participation in the nuclear disarmament treaty signed with the United States

On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he is suspending Russia's participation in the New START treaty, a bilateral agreement signed with the United States that has been in force since 2011 and that limits and controls the nuclear armament of both powers.


Reactions to study estimating that 22% of the world's children have disordered eating behaviours

22% of children worldwide have signs of disordered eating behaviours, a figure that rises to 30% for girls alone, according to an analysis published in JAMA Pediatrics led by researchers from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The research brings together 32 previous studies that used the same diagnostic tool (the SCOFF questionnaire). It includes in total more than 60,000 children aged 6 to 18 in 16 countries. The article also states that the risk of disordered eating behaviour increases with age and Body Mass Index (BMI).  Disordered eating behaviours include behaviours such as ‘weight loss dieting, binge eating, self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, and the use of laxatives or diuretics (although not to the level to warrant a clinical diagnosis of an eating disorder)’.