Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

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SMC participants

Virologist (senior scientist) at the Animal Health Research Centre (CISA, INIA-CSIC)

Researcher at the Instituto Cajal, CSIC

Professor of Energy Economics at Durham University (UK) and CSIC research professor

Senior Scientist at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, IEO-CSIC

Head of the Epidemiology and Environmental Health research group at CISA, INIA-CSIC.

Senior scientist at the Institute for Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC), principal investigator at CIBERSAM and head of the Systems Neuropharmacology group at IDIBAPS-Fundació Clínic.

Research Professor at the Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC)


Director of the Institute of Neurosciences, a joint centre of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) and the CSIC

CSIC Research professor

Researcher at the Mixed Institute for Biodiversity Research (IMIB), CSIC-University of Oviedo-Principality of Asturias

Contents related to this centre

Coinciding with the heat wave, numerous wildfires have started and spread in the Iberian Peninsula, with two fatalities in the province of Zamora.

equipo de protonterapia

The Ministry of Health has announced the purchase of 10 proton therapy equipment for public hospitals of the National Health System in seven autonomous communities. They will be used to treat tumours, especially in paediatric patients. The cost of the equipment will be financed by the Amancio Ortega Foundation.

cern higgs

This week we celebrate not only the tenth anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs, but also Run 3: the Large Hadron Collider is back on line to collect a huge amount of data that opens the door to the discovery of new phenomena that could solve unsolved mysteries, such as understanding what makes up the dark matter that makes up 25% of the universe.

aves en Doñana

British ecologist Andy Green came to Doñana three decades ago inspired by the international fame and biodiversity of these marshes, an annual meeting point for millions of migratory birds. Today he is one of the researchers from five countries "urgently" warning that groundwater extraction and strawberry crops "seriously threaten" Doñana.


The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, announced in an interview on La Sexta that there will be a fourth dose of the covid-19 vaccine "for the entire population".


In a press release published this week, Moderna has shared the first data on its new bivalent adapted vaccine against Omicron.

Abejorro con corbícula llena de polen.

Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. New work published in Science reveals that it significantly impairs the ability of bumblebees to maintain the temperature of their hive, a hitherto unsuspected effect that may lead to the decline of this already endangered species, which is essential for pollination.



A review with meta-analysis published in the journal PLoS Medicine concludes that the percentage of asymptomatic people with covid-19 is lower, and that they are less contagious than those who are pre-symptomatic or symptomatic.

Reaction: ROO + OH → ROOOH

An international team led by researchers at the University of Copenhagen has detected a new class of extremely reactive chemical compounds in tha atmpsphere, the 'trioxides'. The challenge now is to understand the role of trioxides in climate and air quality. The result is presented in Science.



Los investigadores trabajan en uno de los nodos de la red cuántica, donde los espejos y filtros guían los rayos láser hacia el chip de diamante.

A 'quantum internet' would allow, among other things, the flow of inviolable secret messages. Building such a network involves teleporting information between non-interacting elements of the system, something researchers in the Netherlands claim to have achieved. They publish it in Nature.