


EMA recommends not to approve lecanemab against Alzheimer's disease

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended not granting marketing authorization for Leqembi™ (lecanemab) for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The EMA's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) considers that its effect in delaying cognitive decline does not outweigh the risk of serious side effects associated with the drug, in particular swelling and possible bleeding in patients' brains. Leqembi™ was approved in 2023 in the United States.


Reaction: Correlation between migraine and antacid use under review

People taking heartburn medications suffer more migraines and severe headaches, says a study published in Neurology: Clinical Practice. According to the authors, these observations are consistent with other studies that link migraine and headaches to the use of proton pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole), and the new study adds a correlation with the use of other types of antacids. The analysis is based on data from more than 11,800 adults between 1999 and 2004 in the United States. 


Reaction: no detectable brain lesions or biological abnormalities in people with Havana syndrome, according to two studies

Two investigations published in the journal JAMA conclude that there is no evidence of brain injury detectable by magnetic resonance imaging or biological abnormalities in people suffering from the so-called Havana syndrome. This syndrome has been described in overseas civil servants and their family members, who suffer from symptoms including noise, pressure and pain in the head, and cognitive dysfunction, called abnormal health incidents. Studies did find differences in symptoms of imbalance, fatigue, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. 


Reaction: Sensory stimulation therapy counteracts cognitive damage from chemotherapy in mice

A treatment using lights and sound pulses can protect mice from cognitive decline associated with chemotherapy, according to a research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US. The benefits are greatest when the therapy is used early and preventively at the same time as chemotherapy, says the study, published in Science Translational Medicine. The use of this non-invasive sensory stimulation therapy to alleviate other pathologies has already been studied.


Reaction: researchers study indicators that can predict a migraine using data from an app

US researchers have analysed data from 477 people who, using a mobile app, recorded their moods, energy levels and migraine occurrence four times a day for two weeks. Morning attacks were associated with poorer self-rated sleep quality and less energy the day before. Stress and high-energy states were linked to headaches in the afternoon, adds the study, which is published in the journal Neurology.


Reactions: brain health of patients hospitalized for covid worsened similar to that of others admitted with similar severity

A study carried out in two hospitals in Denmark has compared the brain health of 120 patients admitted for covid over 18 months with that of other hospitalized patients with similar severity due to pneumonia, heart attack or need for intensive care, as well as with healthy people. The conclusions are that patients with covid worsened with respect to the latter, but did so in a similar way to other hospitalized persons. According to the authors, "although studies are needed to confirm these findings, brain health after covid-19 appears generally comparable to that of other diseases of similar severity."


Reactions: movement data can predict Parkinson's risk years before diagnosis

Parkinson's disease is usually diagnosed when there is already extensive neuronal damage and symptoms are evident. Now, researchers at Cardiff University in the UK have used movement and sleep quality data from wearable accelerometers and concluded that they can help identify the disease early, years before clinical diagnosis. Although there is no effective preventive treatment, the authors propose that the tool can determine people at risk of developing Parkinson's disease and identify participants for clinical trials of neuroprotective treatments. The results are published in the journal Nature Medicine.


Reactions: hibernation-like state induced in rats and mice by ultrasound

By directing ultrasound to a specific area of the brain, scientists at the University of Washington have succeeded in inducing a state very similar to hibernation in rats and mice. This state, called "torpor", involves a reduction in metabolism and body temperature to save energy. According to the authors, who publish their results in the journal Nature Metabolism, if it could be applied to humans it could be used in space travel or in medicine, to increase the chances of survival in life-threatening situations such as heart attacks or strokes.


Reaction: study claims it is possible to predict schizophrenia from fingerprints with 70 % reliability

Researchers from FIDMAG Hermanas Hospitalarias and CIBERSAM have announced the development of an algorithm that detects the risk of schizophrenia from fingerprints with a reliability of 70 %. It has been tested on 700 patients with schizophrenia and 850 people without schizophrenia; validation studies are pending.