


We bring together journalists and scientific sources to answer questions and discuss current issues. These can be face-to-face or virtual. Registration is required.

Invasive species: a $400 billion threat

Invasive species cause great damage to ecosystems, the economy and human health, but their impacts are underestimated. These are the main conclusions of a report published by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Three researchers who participated in the document explained their results in an informative session organized by the Science Media Center Spain.


Extreme heat and urban health: how to adapt our cities to climate change

Heat waves and other events accentuated by climate change affect health, especially for the most socially vulnerable people. To counteract these effects, mitigation and adaptation plans for cities are designed based on scientific evidence, the implementation of which belongs to the local political sphere. Two experts in urban health and climate governance analysed these problems and their possible solutions in a briefing organised by SMC Spain.


Drought in Spain: aggravated by rising temperatures and overexploitation of water resources

The hydrological, meteorological and agricultural drought that is being experienced in Spain, especially in some regions, comes after a 2022 that was the warmest and one of the driest since records have been kept. Researchers Sandra García Galiano (UPCT) and Annelies Broekman (CREAF) participated in an informative session of SMC Spain in which they analyzed the causes, consequences and possible solutions to face this complex natural phenomenon.


Obesity: a growing epidemic that won't be stopped by drugs

Obesity is a growing public health problem for the entire planet. According to the 2023 Obesity Atlas published this week by the World Obesity Federation, 51% of the world's population will be overweight or obese (more than 4 billion people) by 2035, up from 38% today. At a briefing organised by SMC Spain ahead of World Obesity Day on 4 March, two experts discussed the role that drugs can play in combating a disease whose roots are social and linked to inequality. 


H5N1 avian influenza: an old acquaintance that is changing fast

Outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza have been increasing since 2021, but in recent months have evolved into what is known as a 'global panzootic' affecting all types of wild birds and new continents, but also mammals such as mink and sea lions. At a briefing organised by SMC Germany, in collaboration with SMC UK and SMC Spain, three experts discussed the situation, the level of risk and possible next steps.


Cancer vaccines: what they are, what they aren't and where we are now

News of cancer vaccines proliferate in the media, yet only one such vaccine has been approved - against metastatic prostate cancer - and is no longer in use. However, only one as such has been approved - against metastatic prostate cancer - and it is no longer in use. Are the attention and hopes justified? What do they consist of and how are they similar to traditional ones? Are they preventive or therapeutic? Can they be universal or will they be extremely personalised? How much will they cost? This is what we know today.