


When science hits the headlines, we seek the views of expert sources who assess the news rigorously and quickly, according to the available evidence.

Reaction to the new Spanish covid-19 prevention and control strategy

The Public Health Commission has updated the Covid-19 Surveillance and Control Strategy, which will come into force on Monday 28 March. From then on, as long as indicators of healthcare utilisation are at low risk, diagnostic testing will focus on vulnerable individuals and settings and severe cases. Surveillance will focus on these groups.

Anti-vax vaccination does not affect the success of assisted reproduction or the ability to conceive naturally: expert reaction

Several results confirm that vaccination against covid-19 does not affect fertility. One of them, carried out on some 2,000 couples and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, compares the ability to conceive naturally in vaccinated and unvaccinated couples. The other, in Obstetrics & Gynecology, studies some 1,300 vaccinated and unvaccinated women who have used different assisted reproductive techniques. Neither paper finds a link between vaccination and pregnancy.


Reactions of Spanish immunologists to vaccination strategy based on successive boosters in the general population

The director of the Vaccine Strategy of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Marco Cavaleri, told a press conference on 11 January that "it is not sustainable in the long term to continue giving booster doses every three or four months [to the general population]". Spanish immunologists agree that this is not the right thing to do. In these reactions they explain why.

Reaction to the announcement that Spain will reduce quarantine and isolation to seven days

In recent days, several countries have modified the quarantine times for close contacts and the isolation of infected people, while others are already considering it. Spain has announced that it will reduce these periods to 7 days, both for people who have tested positive in a test and for close contacts who require quarantine (in the case of our country, unvaccinated people).

Rapid reaction to the first case of the Omicron variant detected in Spain

The discovery of the Omicron variant has led to the cancellation of flights to several African countries, while many countries are beginning to detect cases among travellers from countries such as South Africa, but also Nigeria and Egypt. Spain has just announced the first detected case of Omicron, which corresponds to a traveller who had visited South Africa. What measures should be taken to stop the spread of this variant? Is it even possible?